Anderson Jean, who served for three years as the field biological survey coordinator with Société
Audubon Haiti (SAH), a sister organization of Haiti National Trust wins 2022 Stanford Bright Award!
Anderson came along on most of the expeditions that led to the creation of Haiti National Trust.
“[…] Haiti’s native species are gravely threatened in part by habitat loss due to widespread
deforestation, which dates to the colonial era when land was cleared for the coffee, sugar, and
timber industries, but has continued in recent decades. One study estimates that less than 1% of
Haiti’s original primary forest remains intact.
“There is much value in what endures, as well as hope for species in the most tenuous
circumstances. My dream is to make people understand the biological richness of this country …
and how we can make things better for Haiti,” said Andersn Jean. […]”
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