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Forging Unity: Protecting Haiti’s Biodiversity Against All Odds

Forging Unity: Protecting Haiti’s Biodiversity Against All Odds

In the face of Haiti’s tumultuous political landscape, rampant gang-related activities, and persistent civil unrest, Haiti National Trust remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding the nation’s rich biodiversity. Despite the myriad challenges, the organization’s dedicated teams continue to work tirelessly to restore, preserve, and protect Haiti’s natural wonders. Operating in such a volatile environment...


Flight for preservation: Haiti National Trust takes to the skies to survey Haiti’s flamingo populations

In response to concerning trends in the destruction of habitat for Caribbean Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber) on Hispaniola, conservation efforts are being intensified. Despite being labeled as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List, recent evaluations point to significant declines in breeding colonies and habitat quality. Since the arrival of Spanish and French settlers in...

A Private Sector Boost for Conservation in 2024: Digicel Joins Forces with Haiti National Trust!

A Private Sector Boost for Conservation in 2024: Digicel Joins Forces with Haiti National Trust!

The year is already off to a fantastic start, as we are excited to announce a significant partnership with Digicel, Haiti’s leading telecommunications provider. Digicel is generously supporting our conservation efforts by donating smartphones and sim cards with data plans to our dedicated team of forest rangers stationed at Grand Bois National Park. Grand Bois...

Revealing the Enigmatic ‘Frog Tree’

Revealing the Enigmatic ‘Frog Tree’

In a recent update from our ongoing exploration of Grand Bois National Park, we’re thrilled to share exciting news about a plant species we previously encountered. Recall the intriguing plant locally named “Bwa Krapo” or the “frog tree” from our previous article? Well, the veil of mystery shrouding its identity has finally been lifted. After...

Bwa krapo leaves - HNT

A Botanical Adventure: Unveiling Three Native Species in Grand Bois

In a thrilling discovery for biodiversity enthusiasts and conservationists alike, we are excited to announce the identification of two native species in the pristine landscapes of Grand Bois National Park. Our dedicated team of botanists has been diligently exploring the rich natural tapestry of Grand Bois, and their efforts have yielded remarkable results. Two of...

Grand Bois Fire team

Local Heroes and Haiti National Trust Team Unite to Safeguard Biodiversity Amidst Fiery Threat in Grand Bois National Park

In a remarkable display of collaboration and unwavering dedication, the local community and Haiti National Trust joined forces to extinguish a fire that erupted within the borders of Grand Bois National Park. This critical event not only showcased the incredible team spirit but also emphasized the significance of collective efforts in protecting Haiti’s natural heritage....