In 2023, our commitment to the preservation of Haiti’s natural heritage led us to set an ambitious goal: to plant 80,000 native and endemic species in the stunning Grand Bois National Park as part of our reforestation efforts. Today, we are happy to share the remarkable news of our resounding success.

Despite a multitude of challenges, including unpredictable storms, relentless droughts, security concerns, and accessibility hurdles, our unwavering dedication prevailed. We are thrilled to announce that we not only met but exceeded our target for the year, planting a remarkable total of 85,936 plants from 21 different native and endemic species. This achievement equates to 13% of the park’s area restored!
Broadening our list of accomplishments, we’re thrilled to announce the establishment of an additional native plant nursery within the park, making it our 3rd native nursery in Grand Bois. This nursery can accommodate 70,000 plants and represents a significant step forward in our mission, guaranteeing the ongoing care and propagation of more native and endemic species. These plants will play a crucial role in our future reforestation efforts in the years to come.

None of this would have been possible without the dedication and perseverance of our exceptional team. Their tireless efforts, unwavering motivation and commitment have been nothing short of exemplary.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our generous donors Re:wild, ASB and Sunrise Airways, whose support has been the bedrock of our success, standing by our side through thick and thin, sharing our vision and passion for conservation.
As we reflect on this remarkable year, we are more determined than ever to protect and preserve Haiti’s precious biodiversity for future generations. The impact of our work in Grand Bois National Park will reverberate for years to come, safeguarding the natural wonders of this beautiful land.
Let us come together to celebrate the achievements of 2023, and let our collective enthusiasm propel us forward into 2024, where we anticipate even more successes and milestones on our journey to safeguard Haiti’s natural heritage.