In a remarkable display of collaboration and unwavering dedication, the local community and Haiti National Trust joined forces to extinguish a fire that erupted within the borders of Grand Bois National Park. This critical event not only showcased the incredible team spirit but also emphasized the significance of collective efforts in protecting Haiti’s natural heritage. Fortunately, due to the swift action and mobilization of individuals, no damages were reported, and the fire was contained to a deforested area, without reaching the pristine forest. The incident unfolded when a fire broke out, engulfing a hectare of deforested land within Grand Bois...

Growing Hope: HNT’s Nurseries Add Endemic and Native Species to Restore Grand Bois National Park
Grand Bois National Park in Haiti is a natural treasure trove of endemic and native species of plants and animals. Unfortunately, the park has suffered over the years due to human activity, leading to a decline in its biodiversity. Haiti National Trust is working tirelessly to restore the park’s natural balance, and they have made significant strides towards this goal. One of their efforts has been the establishment of two native nurseries in the park. These nurseries have become a haven for a range of endemic and native species, including the recently added species Buchenavia tetraphylla, locally known as bwa...

Celebrating the Successes of Haiti National Trust: A Glimmer of Hope for Biodiversity
Founded on a fervent mission of preserving and protecting Haiti’s environment, Haiti National Trust (HNT) is an organization dedicated to safeguarding the natural wealth of this island nation. Its commitment to protecting Haiti’s biodiversity is unwavering, ranging from identifying biodiversity hotspots in need of increased protection to establishing and managing protected areas and national parks. Working closely with local communities and the government, HNT aims for the sustainable preservation of high biodiversity areas. The fight against deforestation lies at the heart of HNT’s efforts, with the organization committed to restoring and preserving biodiversity through reforestation with native and endemic species....

New Project for Grand Bois National Park Approved, Boosting Haiti’s Fight Against Climate Change!
We are thrilled to share great news for nature lovers and environmentalists worldwide! Despite facing significant challenges due to the current conditions in Haiti, the Klima II project for Grand Bois National Park has finally received approval! This three-year project, worth 2 million euros, is set to be a game-changer for Haiti’s efforts to fight climate change. The Klima II project is a continuation of a project financed by Re:wild. Its aim is to “strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and communities at risk from climate change in the South of Haiti.” The project will be spearheaded by three organizations: Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund...

Two Endemic Frog Species Heard in Grand Bois National Park Confirm Restoration Efforts are Paying Off
During a recent visit to our restoration sites in Grand Bois National Park, we had the pleasure of hearing the unique calls of two endemic frog species, including the Hispaniola Green Treefrog (Boana heilprini) and the Spiny Giant Frog (Eleutherodactylus nortoni). It was not unexpected, yet incredibly exciting to confirm the presence of these species, both of which are listed on the IUCN red list. The Hispaniola Green Treefrog is considered vulnerable, while the Spiny Giant Frog is critically endangered. These two species serve as important indicators of a thriving ecosystem, and we are delighted that our tireless efforts to...

Haiti National Trust is partnering with LEMU!
Haiti National Trust is partnering with LEMU to empower people to act on behalf of nature. During the past year, Haiti National Trust (HNT) has been working with LEMU to help raise funds to manage our rainforest nature reserve in Grand Bois, Haiti. Grand Bois is located in the middle of the Caribbean where HNT is pioneering the approach that LEMU developed. We are excited to be part of this global effort to “protect 1% of the Earth in 10 years”. It will take us all to do this and Grand Bois, Haiti is part of the solution! Please consider...

Haiti Biodiversity Conservationist Wins 2022 Stanford Bright Award
Anderson Jean, who served for three years as the field biological survey coordinator with SociétéAudubon Haiti (SAH), a sister organization of Haiti National Trust wins 2022 Stanford Bright Award!Anderson came along on most of the expeditions that led to the creation of Haiti National Trust. “[…] Haiti’s native species are gravely threatened in part by habitat loss due to widespreaddeforestation, which dates to the colonial era when land was cleared for the coffee, sugar, andtimber industries, but has continued in recent decades. One study estimates that less than 1% ofHaiti’s original primary forest remains intact.“There is much value in what endures, as well...

Amid conflict and chaos, a reforestation project of HNT surges ahead in Haiti
Haiti is in profound crisis again. The Caribbean nation, occupying the western third of the island of Hispaniola is suffering from an escalating bout of political instability, following the assassination of Prime Minister Jovenel Moïse in 2021; just last month, another prominent politician, Eric Jean Baptiste, was shot dead. Add to that an expanding cholera outbreak and violent gangs blockading so many streets that the current government of Ariel Henry, the acting president and PM, is pleading for international intervention to help reopen vital supply routes to the impoverished populace. All this in a nation facing down formidable environmental crises,...

Haiti National Trust hires local community members to plant native species to restore Grand Bois National Park shrinking forests
In a moment in history for Haiti marred by social and political upheaval and sustained environmental disasters, Re:wild partner Haiti National Trust (HNT) is highlighting a small win that has been helping bring some stability and hope to local communities in and around Grand Bois National Park. To combat deforestation in the park and with the help of hired community members, HNT has planted over 30,000 seedlings and plant cuttings in the last five months, already nearing their original goal of 50,000 planted this year and exceeding original expectations. Read the full article from Rewild and the blog about Hope and healing in...